Back With A Vengeance

Before receiving my first round of Botox treatment, I was warned that there’s a chance the migraines will still be around just way more manageable.  I was also warned that about 2 weeks or so before the next treatment I would definitely feel the migraines because the treatment is starting to wear off.  Both of the warning signs were accurate.  I found myself still getting some migraines either during the day or at night but they were extremely easy to manage.  The best part was it wasn’t something consistent all day, every day.  I was happy with those results period.  It was a huge difference and huge amount of relief compared to what I was previously experiencing.

May 10th was the first treatment I ever received.  Come the beginning of July, I was anxious for my next round of treatment.  I was told it would be a stronger dosage and the improvements in migraines would be greater than the first treatment.  On July 26th, the second treatment took place.  Both treatments I am panicked and I mentioned before it’s 35 injections!  That’s a lot of needles.

The reason I’m going through all of this with y’all is they are back.  I feel like some of the recent migraines I’ve had are back with a vengeance.  The week of September 24th I was getting a small, manageable migraine at night.  As previously mentioned, I know I have a light sensitivity.  I tend to notice it more at night when I’m trying to go to sleep, my eye mask isn’t on, and there is the tiniest bit of light from the alarm clock or the moon coming through the blinds.  These are an easy fix; put the eye mask on!

Friday October 5th was a completely different story.  I had spent a decent amount of the day outside in the hot Texas sun.  Something I haven’t done in quite some time being out of work recovering.  It was nice to be outside though!  It might have been hot and super sunny but it was needed.  After getting home and eating dinner I was exhausted.  Around 10:00PM, I was ready to climb into bed.  I should have known something was off at that point.  Not only was I exhausted but I was freezing.  Like goosebumps everywhere, and even after climbing into bed with the blankets up to my chin I was still freezing.  That’s when the migraine hit.  Once my head hit the pillow so did the painful stabbing and pounding in the right side of my head.  I got up to grab an ice pack along with some anti-nausea pills (thank goodness I still have those from my surgery left).  At some point after applying the ice pack I was able to fall asleep.  Not too much time had passed since I had fallen asleep I woke up and was dripping in sweat.  I still had the ice pack on that was still cold and was dripping from my forehead.  I was disgusted.

The next morning I woke up feeling better.  Thank goodness.  Unfortunately the relief didn’t last too long.  That Saturday afternoon I had a bit of a stinger on the right side again.  This has been a continued incident for the past couple days.  My worry is my leave is up from surgery and I return back to work tomorrow, Tuesday the 9th.  Getting back into the swing of things will be challenging enough but throwing the migraines into the mix will only make it worse.

Tip for migraine sufferers:  ice packs can be your new best friend.  I’ve bought so many different ones they have their own shelf in the freezer.  The ones that I have purchased that work the best are ACE the large size.  They fit across the forehead perfectly.  I wrap them up in a towel and I am all set.  Hope that helps!

Much Love,


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